Hope you all know by reading the name that this will be a computer related subject and yup it’s true but u didn’t know an interesting(unforgettable)story behind this.
Yes, This is my main paper during my 3rd sem.I have joined B.E[CSE] in an Engineering college near my hometown and i have successfully finished my first 2 sems with good scores but at that time everyone of my friends were using a word more frequently and your guess is rite its “arrears” but this word looks in familiar to me and I used to ask myself how it will be if i put arrears, will it be interesting? will i use this word too? as many of my friends got more numbers of it [ha ha Something weird you might be thinking abt me but this is true] and here comes the 3rd sem
I have done my school days more sincerely and it gave me a feeling that we no need to study that much during the colleges and even i thought the same by seeing others so Usually I wont study that much during my college working days but will put a timetable and make everything perfect within those study holidays. Actually I have completed my degree using those Study holidays only. So, For this 3rd sem too I have put timetable and completed around 80% during that time but this is the one subject I haven’t given my 100% but I had confidence that i can manage in 2 days leave before this paper
But I have never knew before that an important match will come before that paper[don't think toomuch yes its a match,a cricket match,Sachin's match] and I didn’t know that this match has come to make me realize how an arrear would be haha

Eventhough my mom was scolding that not to see the match, my mind was there only and I cudn’t concentrate on the left out portions as well as I won’t miss any of Sachin’s innings from 2003WC. Monday is the exam and I have wasted a day for the match and i have finished writing the exam as well. The thing is by having exam in mind i can’t see the match well but I can’t study as well. Usually after finishing the paper and coming to home I will be giving marks myself and approximately I will calculate whether I will go thru or not and I did the same for this too but the pass marks (36) hasn’t come without giving any grace marks to myself
and I felt down and thought in mind that god will teach me this time that how an arrear would be!!
When my parents asked about how i did that exam i have told that i did it well. I was counting my days for the result date even though i know 70% that i can’t clear that paper but I got a fear for the first time in life and till that time i have known to pray only for marks and not for pass marks
Particularly for that semester they were keep on telling some dates that the results could be announced and it was postponing many times
Finally correct date has come and I went to browsing center with all my prayers and i don’t even brave enough to see the column which was marked as FAIL on my Sheet [ I have seen these before when I saw my friend's results] So I have asked my friend to see it and yes as u all expected it’s given as “FAIL” against System software and god had some grace on me i guess it was just 4marks short
that day i got a real show of how an arrear would be and I have even applied for re-evaluation even though i know I won’t clear that too since god has given an experience which I asked!!
And that is the first and the last failed paper i had in my degree and i got all lessons from that one itself ha ha. Whenever I think about this weird experience I will go into those memories and what ever u think I will say every college student should have at least one experience like this !!! Else we will never know the feelings of our friends
:) hope you won’t tell this to my parents as they never know the story behind this still
You will have many people to share about their experience of good scores/success in exams and for a change hope u have enjoyed this bitter experience as well!!
So guys, Think good to get good
Thanks to read,
Hope you all know by reading the name that this will be a computer related subject and yup it’s true but u didn’t know an interesting(unforgettable)story behind this.
Yes, This is my main paper during my 3rd sem.I have joined B.E[CSE] in an Engineering college near my hometown and i have successfully finished my first 2 sems with good scores but at that time everyone of my friends were using a word more frequently and your guess is rite its “arrears” but this word looks in familiar to me and I used to ask myself how it will be if i put arrears, will it be interesting? will i use this word too? as many of my friends got more numbers of it [ha ha Something weird you might be thinking abt me but this is true] and here comes the 3rd sem
I have done my school days more sincerely and it gave me a feeling that we no need to study that much during the colleges and even i thought the same by seeing others so Usually I wont study that much during my college working days but will put a timetable and make everything perfect within those study holidays. Actually I have completed my degree using those Study holidays only. So, For this 3rd sem too I have put timetable and completed around 80% during that time but this is the one subject I haven’t given my 100% but I had confidence that i can manage in 2 days leave before this paper
But I have never knew before that an important match will come before that paper[don't think toomuch yes its a match,a cricket match,Sachin's match] and I didn’t know that this match has come to make me realize how an arrear would be haha

Eventhough my mom was scolding that not to see the match, my mind was there only and I cudn’t concentrate on the left out portions as well as I won’t miss any of Sachin’s innings from 2003WC. Monday is the exam and I have wasted a day for the match and i have finished writing the exam as well. The thing is by having exam in mind i can’t see the match well but I can’t study as well. Usually after finishing the paper and coming to home I will be giving marks myself and approximately I will calculate whether I will go thru or not and I did the same for this too but the pass marks (36) hasn’t come without giving any grace marks to myself

When my parents asked about how i did that exam i have told that i did it well. I was counting my days for the result date even though i know 70% that i can’t clear that paper but I got a fear for the first time in life and till that time i have known to pray only for marks and not for pass marks

Particularly for that semester they were keep on telling some dates that the results could be announced and it was postponing many times

And that is the first and the last failed paper i had in my degree and i got all lessons from that one itself ha ha. Whenever I think about this weird experience I will go into those memories and what ever u think I will say every college student should have at least one experience like this !!! Else we will never know the feelings of our friends

You will have many people to share about their experience of good scores/success in exams and for a change hope u have enjoyed this bitter experience as well!!
So guys, Think good to get good

Thanks to read,
It was fun reading your blog... Hope you would consider writing out on a regular basis... arrears as you say is very hard especially when you study pharmacy, three arrears you have to stay back and cant enter the next year... only if you clear atleast one arrear you can enter the next year.. break or brake that is what it is called... real brake in life... that is arrears...